Is 3 the next 10 or 12?

With the lock of cd sale now days,Haitians artist and band are decided to try something new just try to make sure their hard work don’t go to waist. No more release of a full CD. One of the first artist who take a stand against release of a full cd was Alan Cave.Since then we heard from different artist like maestro Richie Klass,T-Joe Kreyol la,maestro Brutus Zenglen,Kenny Desmangles just to name those only who also agreed with AC but saying that instead of release a full cd they will just release an EP(5 to 6 songs). We can name T-Joe Kreyol la as the first who did that this year. But Klass released 2 songs in Mai and Nu-look released 3 right after Klass. Since then T-vice release 3 songs and event come up with a title for it like it was a cd. K-niway released 3 songs,and Disip just released 3 songs too. Is this the new trend in the HMI? Is it safe to say that 3 is the new 10 to 12? Please share your thoughts.